= Online Books =
Divine Signposts by Onisaburo Deguchi
A sacred text
The Creation of Meaning by Hidemaru Deguchi
Second volum of a collection of thoughts on life, pearls of wisdom taken from a young man’s diary.
Bankyo Dokon
70 Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto
Nao Deguchi
A Biography of the Foundress of Oomoto
= Books =
Except for “The Great Onisburo Deguchi”, these books are available at the international department of the Oomoto Foundation.

The Great Onisaburo Deguchi
by Kyotaro Deguchi
translated by Charles Rowe
Aiki News 1998
ISBN 4-900586-54-4
336 pages, 7″ × 10″
originally published in Japanese as Kyojin Deguchi Onisaburo in 1967 by Kodansha, Ltd.

Bankyo Dokon
Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto
Oomoto International Special Issue
Editor-in-Chief : Alex Kerr
Assistant Editor : Bodhi Fishman
Research Editor : Masamichi Tanaka
Layout Editor : Hiromi Morita
Oomoto Foundation 1997
52 pages, 8.2″ × 11.6″
You can also read on the web
⇨ “Bankyo Dokon” on the web

In Search of Meaning
A collection of thoughts on life, pearls of wisdom taken from a young man’s diary.
by Hidemaru Deguchi
translated by William Gilkey and Masamichi Tanaka
Oomoto Foundation 1994
190 pages, 5.8″ × 8.2″
originally published in Japanese as Ikigai no Tankyu in 1966 by Kodansha, Ltd.
You can listen to “In Search of Meaning”
From the text
In this life, human beings find true happiness when people love and are loved in such a way that they have kindly and grateful feelings toward each other .
Nevertheless, each person needs one other individual in whom he can place absolute trust. Without such a relationship we will always feel rather lonely.

Nao Deguchi
A Biography of the Foundress of Oomoto
Based on Kaiso-den by Sakae Oishi
translated by Charles Rowe and Yasuko Matsudaira
Oomoto Foundation 1982
80 pages, 5″ × 7″

A Portrait of Oomoto
By Bill Roberts
Price 30 US$ plus postage
Prologue from “A Portrait of Oomoto” by Bill Roberts