1836 | Dec 16 | Birth of Nao Deguchi. |
1871 | July 12 | Birth of Onisaburo Deguchi. |
1883 | Feb 3 | Birth of Sumiko Deguchi. |
1887 | July 26 | Dr. Ludoviko Zamenhof founds Esperanto. |
1892 | Feb 3 | Founding of Oomoto. |
1893 | Sept 11-27 | Parliament of World Religions, Chicago. |
1895 | Foundation of Shinto Doshikai (Precursor of Sectarian Shinto Federation). | |
1897 | Dec 28 | Birth of Hidemaru Deguchi. |
1899 | July 3 | Onisaburo joins Oomoto. |
1900 | Jan 1 | Onisaburo and Sumiko marry. |
1901 | July 12 | Nao brings back sacred flame from Izumo Grand Shrine. |
1902 | March 7 | Birth of Naohi Deguchi. |
1918 | Nov 6 | Passing of Nao Deguchi. |
1921 | Feb 12 | 1st Oomoto Incident. Onisaburo is incarcerated in Osaka until June 17 that year. |
Oct 18 | Onisaburo begins dictating “Tales from the Spirit World”. | |
1922 | Aug | Bahai followers visit Oomoto. |
1923 | June 25 | Esperanto Society of Oomoto founded. |
Nov 4 | Leaders of Tao Yuan and the World Red Swastika Society from China visit Oomoto. | |
Dec 19 | Futen joins in religious affiliation with Oomoto. | |
1924 | Feb 13 | Onisaburo leaves on Mongolia Expedition. |
June 21 | Onisaburo is arrested in Paindara, Mongolia. | |
1925 | May 22 | World Religious Federation (WRF) is established by Onisaburo in Peking, China. The Asian Headquarters of WRF are housed at the Oomoto Headquarters, Kameoka. |
June 9 | The Aizenkai (Universal Love and Brotherhood Association) is founded. | |
Sept 1-5 | Oomoto participates in World Pacifist Conference in Paris. | |
1926 | May | Affiliation with new Spiritualist Movement groups White Flag from Germany, Bulgaria’s White Fraternity, England’s Greater World Spiritualist League, and Brazilian Spiritualist groups. |
Oct 13 | Establishment of Aizenkai Brazil Headquarters. | |
1928 | Feb 1 | Naohi and Hidemaru marry. |
1929 | July 14 | Joint prayer services between Shinto and Tao Yuan led by Onisaburo in Manchuria. |
1930 | March 8 | Kyoto Religious Exposition (through May 6). |
1931 | Hidemaru visits China and Manchuria (also 1932). |
May 23 | Oomoto visits East Asian countries for the third time, deepens ties of religious cooperation with Tao Yuan, Islam, Tibetan Buddhism. | |
March | Aizenkai Branch established in Pohnpei, Micronesia. | |
Aug 22 | Choseiden groundbreaking. | |
1932 | June 18 | Oomoto affiliation with Tibetan Buddhism. |
1934 | Oct 7 | Affiliation with World Mahayana Buddhist Group. |
1935 | Oct | Affiliation with Cao Dai. |
Dec 8 | Second Oomoto Incident, Onisaburo arrested. | |
1942 | July 31 | Onisaburo released. |
1945 | End of Second Incident, government declares Oomoto innocent; grounds restored. | |
1948 | Jan 19 | Passing of Onisaburo. |
1952 | March 13 | Passing of Sumiko. |
Nov 3-6 | 1st World Federation Asia Conference, Hiroshima. | |
1954 | Nov 1-5 | 2nd World Federation Asia Conference, Tokyo, followed on the 14th by a conference in Kameoka. |
1955 | Aug 8 | World Religious Conference for Peace, Ayabe Congress. |
1956 | July 8 | Isao Deguchi visits Cao Dai Headquarters in Tay Ninh, Vietnam. |
1960 | Nov 26 | New Japanese Religion Youth Association Inaugural Congress. |
1962 | April 11 | Foundation of the Japan Religious Cooperative Committee for Peace. |
1965 | Feb 2 | Tour of Middle Eastern countries by peace delegation of Japanese religionists. |
Sept 12-15 | International Shinto Conference, America. | |
1967 | May 2 | First World Federationalist Japan Religious Committee Meeting is held in Tokyo. |
1970 | Oct 16-21 | 1st World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP), Kyoto. Formation of the WCRP. |
1972 | Oct 18 | Exhibition of Onisaburo’s art at Cernuschi Museum, Paris. |
1973 | Aug 5 | Teruaki Furuta visits Cao Dai Headquarters, Vietnam. |
Aug 8 | 1st Memorial Service for Atom Bomb Victims, Nagasaki Peace Park (Oomoto participates yearly ever since). | |
1974 | Jan 23 | Oomoto Traveling Arts Exhibition kick-off, Victoria and Albert Museum, England. |
March 24 | Aizenkai Kathmandu Branch established. | |
1975 | Jan 6 | Visit to Kameoka by Dr. Frederick Franck, through Feb 6. |
March 12 | Oomoto Shinto ceremony at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. | |
Sept 30 | Oomoto Arts Exhibition opens in Victoria, British Columbia. | |
Oct 20 | Shinto service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on the occasion of the UN 30th Anniversary, and the 5th meeting of the Temple of Understanding (TOU). |
Nov 16 | Oomoto Shinto ceremony at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. | ||
1976 | March 28 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Madras, India. | |
July 26 | Oomoto School of Traditional Japanese Arts Founded. | ||
Oct 12 | Cardinal Sergio Pignedoli of the Vatican visits Oomoto. | ||
1977 | Feb 3 | “Kiss of Peace”, Dean Morton at Ayabe. | |
Oct 12 | Oomoto Shinto service in the Vatican. | ||
Nov 7 | Episcopal/Oomoto joint worship service, Kameoka (Dean Rodgers of Grace Cathedral). | ||
1978 | Feb 16 | Hindu-Buddhist-Oomoto joint worship service, Kathmandu. | |
Feb 19 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Bangalore, India | ||
May 7 | 1st Oomoto Miroku Kengensai and Poem Festival at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NY. |
July 19 | Japanese religious representatives meet with Vatican representatives at the Lake Nemi Conference, Italy. | |
1979 | Feb 28 | Hindu-Buddhist-Oomoto Joint Worship service at Aizenkai Lumbini Branch. |
March 10 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Colombo, Sri Lanka. | |
May 4 | 3rd Oomoto/Episcopal joint worship service, Kameoka. | |
June 23 | Kyotaro visits H.H. the Dalai Lama, Dharamsala, India. | |
Nov 19 | Joint prayer for peace on Mt. Sinai: Judaism, Islam, Christianity. | |
1980 | May 10 | 2nd Oomoto Miroku Kengensai at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NY. |
May 16 | Noh perfomance at Canterbury Cathedral. | |
Oct 13-25 | Dean Victor de Waal of Canterbury Cathedral visits Oomoto. | |
Nov 8 | H. H. the Dalai Lama visits Oomoto. |
1981 | Feb 5 | 1st Aizenkai Asian Representative Conference, Kyoto. |
June 23-26 | World Religionists Ethics Congress (WOREC), Tokyo. | |
Nov 7 | Utamatsuri Poem Festival, Ayabe, Japan. | |
1982 | May 29 | 3rd Oomoto Miroku Kengensai service at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, NY. |
1983 | Jan 14 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. |
March 23 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Mysore, India. | |
March 25 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Delhi, India. | |
Nov 5 | Utamatsuri Joint Worship Service, “Peace and Creation”, Kameoka. | |
Nov 16 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Turichirapalli, India. | |
1984 | March 6 | 2nd joint prayer for peace on Mt. Sinai, Egypt. |
Dec | Oomoto ceremony at Temple of the Tooth, Kandy, Sri Lanka. | |
1985 | April 1 | Oomoto delegation conducts worship service on Pohnpei, Micronesia. |
Nov 7 | 2nd Aizenkai Asian Representatives Conference, Kameoka. | |
1986 | June 27 | Cardinal Francis Arinze of the Vatican visits Oomoto. |
July 18 | Aizenkai Headquarters opened in Kathmandu, Nepal. | |
Aug | “Friends of Oomoto” established in San Francisco. | |
Sept 17 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Manila, Philippines. | |
Oct 27 | 1st Prayer Gathering for World Peace, Assisi, Italy. | |
1987 | July 29 | Oomoto Memorial Service for War Victims, Treblinka, Poland. |
Aug 3-4 | Mt. Hiei Religious Summit, Kyoto. |
1988 | April 1 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Koslanda, Sri Lanka. |
April 11-15 | Global Forum on Human Survival, Oxford, England. | |
Oct 4-10 | Oomoto Youth Exchange Mission to Shanghai, China. | |
1989 | Aug 13 | Aizenkai Branch re-opened in Pohnpei, Micronesia. |
Sept 1 | Community of St. Egidio, 3rd World Day of Prayer for Peace, Warsaw, Poland. | |
1990 | Jan 15-19 | 2nd Global Forum, Moscow. |
March 1 | Aizenkai Delegation visit to Nepal. Joint worship service (Hindu, Buddhist, Oomoto) held at Lumbini. | |
Aug 3 | Multaqa Mt. Hiei Conference, Kyoto. | |
Sept 23 | Passing of Naohi, Kiyoko accedes as Spiritual Leader. | |
Nov 4-5 | H.E. Cardinal Sin, Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen, and Dr. Abdullah Naseef visit Ayabe. |
Nov 8 | Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, Grand Mufti of Syria, visits Oomoto. | |
1991 | April 11 | Visit to Damascus, Syria at Sheikh Kuftaro’s invitation. |
May 6-7 | Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina by Oomoto delegation. | |
Nov 16 | Multaqa Sudan Global Peace Conference, Khartoum, Sudan. | |
Dec 25 | Passing of Hidemaru. | |
1992 | June 1 | Global Forum, Rio de Janeiro Environmental Summit. |
July 1 | Cardinal Francis Arinze visits Oomoto. | |
July 5 | Oomoto Shinto Seminar students perform Shinto service for world peace on the Japan Sea coast. | |
Aug 29 | Aizenkai Hong Kong Friendship Association established. | |
Sept 3 | World Hindu Conference, Bali, Indonesia. |
Sept 13-15 | Community of St. Egidio, 6th World Day of Prayer for Peace; Brussels, Belgium. | |
Nov 6 | Completion of the Choseiden Sanctuary in Ayabe. | |
1993 | April 17-23 | Kyoto Global Forum. |
April 18 | Iwashimizu Prayer Gathering of Indigenous Religions, Kyoto. | |
Sept 11 | Community of St. Egidio, 7th World Day of Prayer for Peace; Milan, Italy. | |
Nov 2 | Aizenkai Branches opened in Bhaktipur and Patan, Nepal. | |
Nov 2-3 | Aizenkai International Conference, Fukuchiyama, Japan. | |
Nov 4-5 | Ayabe Prayer Offering and Forum, Choseiden. | |
Nov 2 | Aizen Center opened in Kathmandu, Nepal. | |
1995 | March | Aizenkai Prayer for Peace and Memorial Service, Manila, Philippines. |
June | Bishop Swing proposes United Religions Initiative. | |
Oct 21-22 | UN 50th Interfaith Service and Symposium at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York. | |
1996 | July 31 | Bishop Swing visits Oomoto. |
July 18 | Aizenkai Branch opened in Republic of Palau. | |
Aug 22 | Dr. Agostino Giovagnoli and Giuseppe Brancaccio of the Community of St. Egidio visit Kameoka | |
Aug 23-30 | Dean Morton visits Kameoka for discussions concerning the future of the interfaith movement. | |
Oct 10 | Community of St. Egidio, 10th World Day of Prayer for Peace, Rome. | |
Oct 28-30 | Oomoto Youth Delegation trip to California. |

Bankyo Dokon
Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto