
Europe, Africa, Middle East

10th World Day of Prayer for Peace, Rome, Italy
Oct 10, 1996, Yasumi Hirose spoke at the World Day of Prayer for Peace sponsored by the Community of St.Egidio.

1st Global Forum, Oxford, UK
April 11, 1988, Kyotaro Deguchi participated in the first Global Forum, attended by the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, and other religious and parliamentary leaders.

Noh Performance at Canterbury Cathedral
May 16, 1980, Kiyoko Deguchi performed Noh drama at Canterbury Cathedral.

Oomoto Prayer Service in Vatican City
Oct 12, 1977, Kyotaro Deguchi and Izuo Umeda had an audience with Pope Paul Ⅵ and performed an Oomoto worship service in the Santa Maria Chapel inside the Vatican.

Multaqa Sudan Conference Khartoum, Sudan
Yasumi Hirose and Kyotaro Deguchi attended the Global Peace Conference in Khartoum sponsored by the Council for International Peoples Friendship, November 16, 1991.

Aizenkai Branch, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Jan 14, 1983, the Aizenkai Branch in Nigeria was opened by Elder U. B. James.

Oomoto Arts Exhibition, Paris
Oct 1972, the Oomoto Arts Exhibition opened at the Musee Cernuschi in Paris. It later traveled to thirteen cities in six countries in Europe and North America.

2nd Global Forum, Moscow, USSR
Jan 15, 1990, Kyotaro Deguchi attended the 2nd Global Forum in Moscow.

Study of Islam under Grand Mufti Kuftaro, Damascus, Syria
Invited by Grand Mufti Kuftaro, Kyotaro and Hisao Deguchi, Masamichi Tanaka, and Yoshitaka Nishino studied Islam in Damascus, April 11 – May 5, 1991.

Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia
Kyotaro Deguchi, Masamichi Tanaka, and Yoshitaka Nishino made a pilgrimage to the Holy Mosques of Mecca and Medina, May 6-7, 1991.

Oomoto Memorial Service for War Victims, Treblinka, Poland
July 29, 1987, Teruaki Furuta and Eizo Itoh, while attending the 72nd World Esperanto Congress in Warsaw, visited Treblinka and performed a prayer service for war victims.

Interfaith Prayers at Mt.Sinai, Egypt
November 19, 1979, Kyotaro Deguchi, Abbot Shocho Hagami, and Alex Kerr of Oomoto’s International Dept. attended a Christian-Islamic-Jewish ceremony sponsored by President Sadat at Mt.Sinai.
March 6, 1984, Yasumi Hirose, Kyotaro Deguchi, and Dean Morton joined with over one hundred religious people gathered from around the world for a second interfaith prayer service at Mt.Sinai.


Bankyo Dokon
Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto

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