

Oomoto Headquarters Ayabe
Home of the Foundress Nao, the Headquarters at Ayabe cluster around sacred Mt.Tsuruyama. Ayabe is Oomoto’s “Spiritual Center”, and the site of Oomoto’s “Temple for All Religions”, the Choseiden Sanctuary.
March 1976, Dean Morton conducted the Kiss of Peace at the Mirokuden Hall in Ayabe.
Nov 4-5, 1993, the Prayer and Forum of World Religious Leaders was held at the Choseiden.

Oomoto Headquarters Kameoka
Birthplace of the Co-Founder Onisaburo, the Headquarters at Kameoka are situated on the grounds of old Kameyama Castle. Kameoka is Oomoto’s “Center of Activities”.
Kameoka has been the site of the Oomoto School of Traditional Japanese Arts.
The Banshoden Sanctuary has hosted numerous joint worship services and prayers by world religious leaders, including Dean Rodgers’ Episcopal Service (Nov 1977), the visit of the Dalai Lama (Nov 1980), the Utamatsuri Poem Festival (Nov 1983), the visit of Sheikh Kuftaro (Nov 1990 and Aug 1991), etc.

The Grand Shrine of Izumo
The Grand Shrine of Izumo is Japan’s oldest shrine, source of Oomoto’s holy fire, brought from Izumo by Nao in 1901.
On July 5, 1992, foreign participants in the Oomoto Shinto Seminar visited Izumo and later performed a Shinto service nearby on the Japan Sea coast, overlooking the sacred islands of Oshima and Meshima.

Annual memorial Ceremonies for Peace, Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Oomoto has participated every year in the memorial ceremonies in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, since the first World Conference to Ban Nuclear Weapons was held in Hiroshima, in Aug 1955.

Kurozumi-kyo Shinto Seminar, Okayama
Nov 1990, Kyotaro Deguchi, Dean Morton, and Grand Mufti Kuftaro attended a Shinto Seminar at the headquarters of Sectarian Shinto religion Kurozumi-kyo.

World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP), Mt.Hiei Religious Summit Kyoto
Kyoto was the capital of Japan for a thousand years, from 800 until 1868, and is the site of the headquarters of many Buddhist sects and Shinto shrines.
In Oct 1970, the First World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) was held in Kyoto.
In Aug 1987, Kiyoko Deguchi represented Oomoto at the Mt.Hiei Summit of world religious leaders, sponsored by Tendai Buddhism and dozens of other Japanese religious groups.

The Grand Shrine, Ise
The Grand Shrine at Ise enshrines Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess and legendary ancestor of the Imperial family. It is the most sacred shrine of Shintoism.

World Religionists Ethics Congress (WOREC) Tokyo
June 23- 26, 1981, Yasumi Hirose and Kyotaro Deguchi represented Oomoto at the WOREC Conference with participants from Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu, Shrine Shinto, and Oomoto.


Bankyo Dokon
Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto

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