
North & South America

Oomoto Arts Exhibition, Victoria, British Columbia
Sept 30, 1975, Torao Deguchi led the Oomoto delegation at the Arts Exhibition held at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.

American School of Japanese Arts (ASJA)
The ASJA was founded Aug 1987 by Oomoto Traditional Arts Seminar graduates Liz Kenner and Linda Richardson. ASJA seminars are held at Green Gulch Zen Center, Martin County, California.

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Nov 1975, Torao Deguchi conducted a worship service at the time of the Arts Exhibition in San Francisco. Oct 1996, the Oomoto Youth Dept., led by Masato Deguchi and Akira Naruo, sent 68 youth to the Cathedral to perform a service and offer Noh music and tea ceremony. Jun Sagano, and Bodhi Fishman of the International Dept. did the planning and co-ordination.

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Memorial Service for War Victims
Dec 7, 1982, Oomoto representative Hiroshi Mase attended the annual Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Service with a group of Japanese religious leaders led by Tendai Buddhist Abbot Shocho Hagami.

Friends of Oomogo, San Francisco
Patricia Ryan Madson founded the Friends of Oomoto after the 10th Arts Seminar in 1986. Friends of Oomoto, mostly made up of Seminar alumni, acts as Oomoto’s support network on the US West Coast.

Oomoto Arts Exhibition, Brockton, Massachusetts
Torao Deguchi led the Oomoto delegation at the Arts Exhibition held May-June, 1975 at Brockton Art Center, Fuller Memorial.

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York
Numerous joint worship services, interfaith conferences, and arts demonstrations over the years, including:
March 1975, Arts Exhibition and Worship Service.
May 1978, 1st Oomoto Miroku Kengensai Prayer Service.
May 1980, 2nd Kengensai, with Noh performance by Kiyoko Deguchi
May 1982, 3rd Kengensai and US Japan Religionists Conference.
Oct 1995, Joint Worship Service Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations.

Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kyotaro Deguchi and Yoshitaka Nishino attended the Global Forum meeting as part of the Earth Summit, June 1, 1992.

Oomoto Brazil Headquarters, Jandira, Sao Paulo
Established Oct 13, 1957, this is Oomoto’s only overseas headquarters, serving around 1,000 Oomoto followers throughout Brazil.

Bankyo Dokon
Seventy Years of Inter-Religious Activity at Oomoto

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