

The world is full of many different creatures all doing a myriad of different things. Slow down, and take it all in.

Certainly, this is a world we must be thankful for.
This is because all things are advancing.

You must not rely only on teachers and books. All of creation is textbook and teacher for us.

History is hardly reliable. Because the successive governments of the world have taken pains to avoid passing down records that show them in a bad light, it is impossible to find impartial historical truth. Those people who have been indiscriminately labeled hero or villain by later generations, were not in fact necessarily so.
Essentially, the idea that “righteousness lies with the victor” is ridiculous.

Discovery and invention, rather than being the fruit of assiduously striving for a particlar goal, are far more often triggered by an inadvertent source—which might also be called Divine inspiration. Reflecting on this fact, we soon see that without such heavenly inspiration, we cannot hope to accomplish truly great work. Nevertheless, modern man continues to foolishly waste time and effort trying to place all things within the narrow purview of science.
We are to quickly dismiss the legends of ancient times as unimportant, but the minds of the people of those times were far purer than the minds of modern men, and to this extent it is reasonable to think that these people were more widely touched by Divine inspiration than we are today.
Therefore, the very fact that the fundamental essence of these legends is basically the same for all the world’s races, shows that they all similarly drew their inspiration from the Divine.
As a result, there is a great deal to be gained from a close study of ancient folklore, after carefully separating out the contrived and superstitious elements that were added later.
I cannot condone the actions of those who treat such legends as though they were the fairy tales of children, and summarily dismiss them as being unscientific. Though it may seem unscientific today, we cannot deny that it might come to be seen as scientific sometime in the future.

The Creation of Meaning
By Hidemaru Deguchi


