

Since man can never understand anything from listening to theory alone, unless we personally suffer through various things on our own, we will never be able to cultivate an attitude of forgiveness and tolerance towards others.
In this sense, it is necessary while we are young to build character by throwing ourselves into all kinds of circumstances. When we thoroughly attempt what we see others doing, we soon learn that the world is a difficult place, and that things do not go as easily as we might think.
Unless we can become both apprentice and master, we can never truly command the respect of
many.After meeting with a variety of people, it has struck me just how vital the observation of ceremony is in this world. I have come to realize that this world moves and is moved not so much by interior understanding, as by external circumstance, social standing, and personal interest. Likewise, in order to lead others, you must start with external, then gradually win them over to the internal. To do this, it is necessary to put external matters to full use as well.
There are many people who, upon finding religious faith, suddenly grow rigid, and try to conceal their social status, academic titles, and other outward positions—when in fact to gain the trust of others by being honest about their position, would be a far more effective means of sharing a newfound faith. That is, as long as one does not sink to gross self-advertisement.

Today’s world, it must be said, is full of impure places. If we desire to improve the world, it is into these areas of impurity that we must plunge.
We must not, however, allow ourselves to become sullied in the process. We must carry with us the love and wisdom necessary to make pure the defiled. Thus, the person who has known only the simple and pure is helpless in the modern world.
It is essential to understand how to interact with others on their own level.

Anyone, even though they lack the intellect of an Aristotle, can comprehend the fact that man is a social animal. In this world, by nature so vast and full of joy, there are so many who choose to find it cramped and miserable.
We must avoid prejudice against others at all costs. We must not limit those with whom we interact. Talking freely with grandmother and child alike, the world becomes a brighter and more cheerful place.

There is absolutely nothing in existence that is not necessary in some way. Even with those things which at a glance appear vile, we must seek out their value and work to reveal their beauty.
Through such effort, we gradually bring this world nearer to paradise. Moreover, if we approach all things with this open feeling in our heart, we will know neither anger nor enmity.

To manifest what is in your heart through your outward actions is the true way to live.
“Good” and “Evil”: these are no more than names whch men have created, and we need not be bound by them.

The sort of man who does not get angry will never know success. Most promising is the man who has such vitality that, when called for, he will fart in the presence of the Emperor.
Those who torment the weak, while fawning upon the powerful, are trash.

There is no substitute for earnestness.
This is particularly so for the path of religious faith.

Since all the myriad things of this universe spring from the same root/source, all things are siblings. That the relation between man and man should be stronger than that between man and rock is simply because the blood tie is stronger/thicker.
Japan and all other countries were originally one, but over time they increasingly branched away from each other, ending in the conflict and ill will betwen nations we see today.
Yet if we think about it, for our siblings to suffer is our own suffering as well.
Should we fail to go forward hand-in-hand with others, all our individual efforts to find happiness will be in vain.
We must be aware that our every action exerts an influence upon the vast universe.

Love grows to the extent that we take care/trouble.
Tranquility results from good balance.

The finest asset is firm resolve.

The Creation of Meaning
By Hidemaru Deguchi


