

21st Century, the Era for the Realization of World Federation

Tadaakira Jo

Prof. International Law, Faculty of Law, Hiroshima Shudo University


Tadaakira Jo, born in 1948. Graduated at school of Law, Hiroshima University. Former occupation was Professor of Kyushu International University, Visiting Professor of Liverpool University and so on. Professsor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Hiroshima Shudo University from 1999.


International community consists of about 200 sovereign states, and has not obtained good enough results of international cooperation to solve global issues as human rights, environment, security and others, in the cause of block of stateÅfs sovereignty and national interests.
Present International Organizations such as UN and ICJ have functional limit too. The reality shows us the necessity of the World Federation, which can change the state-nation into the world- citizen.
Thinking the fact that the states and the IO have been artificially and historically established, there is every reason to ensure that the wisdom of mankind will be able to build up the WF.

Prayer Offering and World Religious Forum Ⅱ


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