Birth and Passing
Nao Deguchi was born in the twelfth lunar month of 1837, in Fukuchiyama City, now located in Kyoto Prefecture. She passed away on November 6, 1919, at the age of eighty-one.
Childhood and Youth
Born into an impoverished family, Nao had no opportunity for any sort of schooling. When she was nineteen years old, she married her cousin and moved to Ayabe City, also in Kyoto. Though she and her husband Masagoro Deguchi were blessed with eight children, raising them entailed much hardship.
The Beginning of Divine Possession
On the last night of winter in 1892, after her husband had passed away from illness, the 56-year-old Nao was suddenly transformed into an altered state. While in this trance, a different, separate force arose in her mind, and words filled with majesty came forth from her mouth.
The Beginning of Prophecies
Before long Nao received the divine order, “Pick up a writing brush.” When she complied, the Foundress’ hand naturally moved-a phenomenon known as “automatic writing”-and the illiterate woman began to write Japanese characters on rice paper. By the time she passed away twenty-seven years later, she had written 200,000 pages of divine revelations.
Oomoto Scripture
Nao’s automatic writing was in the Japanese phonetic script, which Co-Founder Onisaburo Deguchi later interpreted into the standard, more descriptive Chinese characters. These collected works became the fundamental sacred scriptures of Oomoto. Contents concerned the origin of Oomoto; the relationship between God and humankind; social criticism; the mission of the Japanese people; and predictions and forebodings for humanity. These were all transmitted to aid in what came to be known as the “Reconstruction of the Greater World.” This action, it was revealed, heralds the eternal earthly paradise-also known as the “Kingdom of Heaven on Earth,” or “Age of Maitreya.”
⇨ Nao Deguchi A Biograpy of the Foundress of Oomoto
Foundress : Nao Deguchi
Co-Founder : Onisaburo Deguchi
Second Spiritual Leader : Sumiko Deguchi
Third Spiritual Leader : Naohi Deguchi
Alternate Spiritual Leader : Hidemaru Deguchi
Fourth Spiritual Leader : Kiyoko Deguchi
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