Ambassador of Israel

Mohamed Mostafa
Badr, Ambassador of Egypt

Founder and Chair,
Emeritus of The Interfaith Center of New York

- Photo Album : Portraits of three branches: Shoko, Tanegashima and Aomori
- A Letter from Oomoto : Of mountains and myths
- Polyglot poem festival The Utamasturi is going international — what’s next?
- Ethics education program captures the spirit of Bankyo Dokon
- A Letter from Oomoto : A year’s worth of adventure in a summer of branch visits
- In Kumamoto, it’s all about the water – and fire
- Israel, Palestine and the Power of Poetry(Oomoto believes small efforts can have lasting ripple effects on people and peace)
- “Something Great”(This genetics pioneer, a friend of Oomoto, offers a clue to the mystery of life)
- Kamishima Cleanup (Harima branch members regularly visit this sacred island to keep the shrine tidy)
- A speech at the Oomoto branch in Hiroshima after its monthly service on March 18, 2007:Encounters with war and peace
- A speech at the Hokuriku (Kanazawa) branch on Dec. 3,2007:Ritual and myth an encounter with ‘divine madness’
- A speech at the Himeji Cultural Center on Feb. 25, 2007:Mesmerized by the Japanese Arts
- A speech at the Kobe branch:There are just human tears and human joy
- A speech at the Kyoto branch:Spiritual adventures in researching Oomoto leaders
- A letter from Oomoto:The Young People of Tottori
- A speech at Oomoto Tottori Branchi : The new shrine will deepen the commitment of the Tottori branch
- A speech at Oomoto Izumo Branchi : A Maelstrom of Characters
- A speech at Oomoto Setsubun in Ayabe : A Portrait of Oomoto
- A speech to Rotary in Kameoka: made in Japan
- Hidemaru Deguchi: Words to live by in a chaotic world
- A speech at Setsubun: Message for Love, Peace and Hope
- A speech in Tottori: A Beacon in a Darkening World
- A letter from Oomoto: Poetry on the Mountain Top
- The Week When Middle East Peace Came To Japan
- A letter from Oomoto: Encounters With the Spiritual Leader
- Utamatsuri – Oomoto’s traditional poetry festival has roots in an ancient legend
- Cross Cultural Experiences: A Path to Understanding
- A love letter from Oomoto: The Merry Mothers of Yamabe
- School Days – Baishojuku Seminary is a rite of passage for all students and the start of a career for many
- Hokkaido Journal – Maybe Onisaburo was right: There is a bit of North America in the places and faces of Japan’s second largest island.
- The Mochi Mash – Okayama Oomoto members make rice balls the old-fashioned way
- A letter from Oomoto: The Crown Prince of Beans – “What shall I learn of beans or beans of me?” – from “Walden,” by Henry David Thoreau
- Seeking Harmony With Nature
- World Peace? Consider the Japanese Garden
- A letter from Oomoto
- East and West: A Spiritual Quest Through Art

By Sally Lewis

By Alice Whieldon MA PhD MRSS(t)